Patient Record
Online Access to Medical Records
The easiest way to view your medical record is online, via the Airmid App or the NHS App. Airmid is the newer version of SystmOnline, which you may have used before.
If you do not have photographic ID, you will need to register for online access at Freshwell Health Centre in order to use the NHS App. We can verify your identity and give you further information, including a passphrase, which will allow you to login to the NHS App.
You can find more informtaion about setting up the NHS app here
NHS App help and support - NHS (
Please be aware that your medical records may contains information which you have forgotten or have not yet been made aware of which you may find distressing.
Online Proxy Access to Medical Records
Online access to medical records offers a modern, convenient and responsive primary care service available to all registered patients and some like to give someone else access to their online account. This may be a family member, a close friend, carer or Power of Attorney for health and welfare, who can use it to book appointments, order repeat prescriptions, manage healthcare or access online applications such as the NHS App on their behalf, this is known as proxy access. On the NHS App it is also described as a Linked Profile
At Freshwell Health Centre we ensure the medical data of all our patients is kept safe and secure, access to records will only be granted both to the patient or their proxy once the correct checks have been made in line with current guidelines from both NHS England and the Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP).
If you would like someone else to have access to your online record or are the parent of a young person that needs access to help manage their health, please download the appropriate policy and form below and follow the instructions.
Subject Access Requests
Under GDPR you have the right to view your medical records by making a subject access request. You can fill in this form.
If you would have trouble filling in a form you can also make a request verbally
Unless requested otherwise, records will be sent electronically via the secure site GP share
Sharing your information with friends and family
We will not talk about your medical record with anyone else unless you give us permission before hand. This might mean if someone calls on your behalf, we will ask to speak to you first to make sure you are happy for us to discuss your health with them
If there is someone you trust, that you would like us to be able to talk to on a regular basis, please complete this Cosent to Share Information form and email it to or hand it in at reception
My Care Record
Our practice is now part of My Care Record - supporting the delivery of joined-up care. During the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, additional measures are being put in place to help health and care providers to deliver effective care. This includes how the information from your care records is used. My Care Record is an approach to improving care by joining up health and care information.
Wherever possible, health and care professionals will be able to access care records from other services if it is needed to deliver care for individuals with COVID-19 or COVID-19 symptoms. For example, we are working to make sure doctors, nurses and co-ordination staff at places you may receive advice or treatment can see important information from your GP record. This will include health and care professionals at neighbouring GP practices, NHS 111 and regional centres for the treatment of critically ill patients including the NHS Nightingale Hospital in London. This will make it easier and faster for them to deliver effective care for you if it is needed. Please see the My Care Record website for more information including the Privacy Notice to support this work.

Sharing Your Medical Record
Increasingly, patient medical data is shared e.g. between GP surgeries, District Nursing, PCN, Community and Social Link Worker Teams in order to give clinicians access to the most up to date information when attending patients.
The systems we operate require that any sharing of medical information is consented to by patients beforehand. Patients must consent to sharing of the data held by a health provider out to other health providers
Our practice policy is to share your data with only those NHS bodies directly involved in your care unless you specify otherwise. Please refer to our Privacy Notice for details and phone or email if you wish to opt out of sharing to particular NHS providers
Emergency Care Summary
There is a Central NHS Computer System called the Emergency Care Summary (ECS). The Emergency Care Summary is meant to help emergency doctors and nurses help you when you contact them when the surgery is closed. It will contain information on your medications and allergies.
Your information will be extracted from practices such as ours and held securely on central NHS databases.
As with all systems there are pros and cons to think about. When you speak to an emergency doctor you might overlook something that is important and if they have access to your medical record it might avoid mistakes or problems, although even then, you should be asked to give your consent each time a member of NHS Staff wishes to access your record, unless you are medically unable to do so.
On the other hand, you may have strong views about sharing your personal information and wish to keep your information at the level of this practice. If you don’t want an Emergency Care Summary to be made for you, tell your GP surgery. Don’t forget that if you do have an Emergency Care Summary, you will be asked if staff can look at it every time they need to. You don’t have to agree to this.